Journée à Jersey en 5è (GB) — Groupe scolaire La Salle St-Joseph Argentré-du-Plessis

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Journée à Jersey en 5è (GB)

Réel souci pédagogique en amont pour permettre aux élèves de vivre différentes activités d'interaction orale au coeur de l'île anglo-normande. All in english please ! Même pour les accompagnateurs !


  • Morning activities : We discovered Saint Helier in groups.
  • Liberation Square : There is a statue and a big hotel, its name is “La Pomme d’Or”. We saw Fort Regent, a sports centre.
  • Royal Square : This is the statue of George II.
  • Central Market : There is a fountain and many shops.
  • The Post Office
  • Charing Cross : This is the statue of a toad.
  • We also saw the library, a church and place Bath Street.
  • We had to find these different points on the map with the help of a teacher.
  • Lunch and interviews : We ate our lunch at midday at Howard Davis Park (Don Road). At 2 pm we interviewed some pupils about jobs in Jersey. There are different jobs, for example : teachers, shop assistants, bankers, customer assistants, deputy manager
  • Shopping – Free Time

We had two hours. There were many shops in King and Queen Street. There were sports shops, clothes shops (tee-shirts, pens …) After we went back to Charing Cross.

Arrival – Back to France !